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Trygve Haavelmo |
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Girolamo Cardano |
Probability theory is known as chance. The theory was originally inspired by the opportunity of gambling problems. Originally performed by the Italian mathematician and physicist named Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576). Cardano was born on September 24, 1501. Cardano is a gambler at the time. Although gambling a bad influence on her family, but also encourages gambling to study the opportunities. In his book Liber de Ludo Aleae (Book on Games of Changes) in 1565, Cardano
many opportunities to discuss the basic concepts of which contains about problem gambling. Unfortunately not been published until 1663. Girolamo was one of the fathers of probability. In 1654, the other a gambler named Chevalier de Mere find gambling system.
Chevalier lost the gamble when he asked his friend Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662) to analyze the system perjudiannya. Pascal found that the system that belongs by Chevalier will lead to opportunities he lost 51%. Pascal then became interested in the opportunity, and he began to study the problem of gambling. He discussed it with other famous mathematician Pierre de Fermat ie (1601-1665). They were discussed in 1654 between June and October through 7 pieces letter written by Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat who form the origin of the concept of chance events. Pascal worked with Fermat solving problems given by Chevalier de Mere.
In early 1656, Christiaan Huygens wrote the script Van Rekeningh in Spelen van Geluck. Van Rekeningh in Spelen van Geluck is a short paper consisting of 15 pages, which is likely based on what is seen Huygen long as he developed in Paris in previous years about the correspondence between Pascal and Fermat. In its final form, this paper contains 14 problems (Voorstellen) with a solution or proof, and 5 troubles to be solved by the reader. Five final issue is part of the problem Fermat and Pascal. Last problem of the fifth issue in the end is known as the "Gambler's ruin" and the parts of Pascal and Fermat's communication which was published in 1656.
In the year 1709 Jaques (Jacob) Bernoulli wrote the book Ars Conjectandi,
which comprises 5 sections, namely:
- Liber de Ludo wrote again Aleae (Book on Games of Chance) Cardano's work
- Permutation and combination
- Binomial and Multinomial Distributions
- Opportunity Theory
- Large Numbers Law (Law of Large Numbers)
Jaques (Jacob) Bernoulli was the one who first introduced the law of large numbers (LLN). He's working on and developing it for more than 20 years, and publish it on Ars Conjectandi (The Art of Conjecturing) in the year 1713. He named it the golden theorem is then better known as Bernoulli's theorem. S. D. Poisson call with La loi des Grand Nomber (The law of Large Numbers). After the Bernoulli and Poisson publish LLN, then the other mathematicians who developed the LLN is Chebysev, Markov, Borel, Cantelli and Kolmogorov. They produce what we know with weak law and Strong Large Number Large Number.
In 1662 John Graunt began publishing his own works of Observation on the bills of mortality. John Graunt was the first to reduce the data into the table. He was the first to display statistically that the number of men and women closer together and the sex ratio at birth is stable. Along with the development of theories of probability between the years 1713 - 1812, Galton that during his lifetime yield over 340 papers and books, studying the phenomenon of correlation and deterioration to the mean value and the median value and using statistical methods.
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Jacob Jacques Bernoulli |
The findings sparked the birth of inferential statistics that begins by Pearson in 1900 by Chi Square Test. In addition to Chi Square Test, using correlation and linear regression, Pearson made 3-dimensional model as a model of data collection in research in the Department of Statistical Science.
A young chemist William Gosset, better known by the call "student" using non skewer use the normal curve to the small sample size. Together with a professor, he formulated his findings in 1908. He calls it with the distribution of "student". His invention received less attention except when included in the textbook of modern statistical first written by Sir Ronald
Fisher's 20 years later. In 1925, Fisher published a book entitled Statistical Methods for Research Workers. In the book, Fisher wrote about ANOVA.
Around the year 1943-1946 new discoveries emerged as it was introduced by Cramer and M. G Kendall, who studied non-parametric methods by using statistical inference. Nonparametric Statistics Because of the need based necessities That are not met by parametric statistics.In 1945 Frank Wilcoxon test found one, later better known as the Wilcoxon test.
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